Overhead diving has a reputation as being the most dangerous diving activity.
Make no mistake, it certainly is extreme, but done correctly, it can be one of the most rewarding diving experiences there is. Thanks to pioneers like Sheck Exley, safe cave diving methodologies have been established and its usually the people that take shortcuts or don’t follow the rules that end up in trouble.
Never attempt to go into a cave, even for a quick peek, without the proper training.
The Advanced Wreck diver program extends the knowledge learned on a basic wreck diving course too now as being able to do wreck penetrations. You will learn how to plan, prepare and execute a safe penetration.

The RAID cave diver development program is a full technical program for divers using either back mounted twin set or a side mount configuration. Cave 1 teaches you to penetrate to a maximum of 1/3rd of your gas pressure or 300m to a maximum depth of 40m with no decompression.
Expanding on the knowledge learnt in Cave 1, this program develops your skills to plan and execute more advanced navigation and allows a maximum of 30m decompression. You will learn more complex skills like planning circuits, traverses and jumps. Cave 2 certified divers are allowed unlimited distance penetrations using the rule of thirds

Training Terms & Conditions:
Please note that payment of course fees does not guarantee certification. If after the prescribed number of dives, your skills are not at the required minimum, we reserve the right to withhold certification until your skills meet performance requirements. Any additional dives required to complete your training, will be charged for. We also highly recommend that you are a member of Divers Alert Network and have a diving medical prior to the start of your course. Online course fees are for theory only and do not include the fees payable to complete dives necessary for certification.
Also note that gas bills for Nitrox, Oxygen and Helium and CO2 absorbent are at the students cost.